Thursday, 27 December 2007

My Holiday...

As most of you know, there is a chicken running freely in my house and poxing everyone. Unfortunately I got poxed by it!

Now I have done half of my holiday plans, BBQ, shooping, karaoke, Candlelight Service.

I have to miss the following:- strawberry, Tauranga.

I can still do the following:- Go to FREE movies, Farewell dinner with Perry.

But for everything that happens, I still thank God for his timing coz He makes all things beautiful in His time.

Sunday, 23 December 2007

Christmas in Auckland

Melon says that it's a great holiday in Auckland! Yes, indeed it is a good holiday! However, one of my plan cancelled as Mavis have chicken pox :(

Planned to go to Karapiro on Boxing Day for 2 days but Mavis got chicken pox yesterday so cannot go anymore. However I am happy that I do not have to go coz its a site that I have been there for a lot of time as site supervision. It is all dusty and dirty.

Gordon and Tracey have ask us to go to his home for karaoke tomorrow. It is a great thing! Then going to church to celebrate Christmas Eve night with Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. I am going to the 11pm one and someone told me that it will be a great service. They say that it is a great time, environment and service. Looking very forward to that!

I am going to Pastor Lee house for Christmas BBQ on Christmas Day then going to look at some nice decoration in Waitakere and Franklin Road.

Then will have to blog again to make my holiday nice :) Next up is going to movie coz have 2 FREE movie tickets, shopping, going to Tauranga and strawberry ...


Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Christmas Holiday

It has been quite a while since I come and update my blog. Quite busy with life, at work, in relationship, in church and also at home. Finally, the holiday that I loved the most, Christmas is just around the corner! Hurray!

Basically, there will be not much work from today onwards. Supplier are closed, marketing ends and I will be shaking my legs (like Thomas) from today till Friday. Going to a site party in half an hour though. Looking foward to my holidays!!

What am I going to do? For now, there is a BBQ, a farewell dinner for a beloved brother in Christ, a trip to Tauranga, Christmas Eve Candlelight Services, singing carols on the stpes, a trip to Karapiro and going shopping on Boxing Day. Think that's about it for now. Then gonna spend 2 days cleaning the house and the rest of the days no idea what to do. Anybody have any idea where to go and what to do who have plans, please let me know ok?

As for my mood, of course in holiday mood right now! Am looking forward to all the trips and enjoy myself while I am young and do the best for my Lord. Oh ya, reminds me I have a bulletin board to finish while I am on my holiday. Another idea is to watch movies, the tons of movies that I have but yet to watch.

I am thinking to go strawberry picking in Riverdale. Anyone wants to come with me? Still thinking what day but most probably will be in January though.

Ok, enough thinking about the holidays, time to get back to work. At least 20 minutes of work before going for the site party. Hohoho.... Christmas here I come!!!











10. 70% 的人看完帖后会试着舔到他的手肘...哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈

Tuesday, 18 December 2007
