Thursday, 27 September 2007

Endless Jobs....

It happened again.

I am going for my short 4 days holiday off Auckland. However, I am drowned with work. I received a couple of scope of work today after lunch. Mind you, they are big jobs, that last me at least a month.

Guess what, when I tell them I am on leave on Monday, they give me the donkey face look. They booked me on to site on Monday. I pushed it to Tuesday. Going off to Waiwera.

I am fully loaded with non-stop work until next Friday both in office, or on site. Anyone care to join me?

Why does this tend to happen everytime I am going on holiday?


My Blog

I close my blog yesterday. Only allow a small bunch of people to view it. Some people just do not know how to respect others blog. I open it again today, after some consideration.

My blog exist just as I want to share my life with my friends. If you read my blog please respect it with full privacy. If you want to share something on my cbox or comment, please put on your real name. No "A guy" or using my name "Nicole" business here.

If you wana say something, make sure everyone knows you. If you are ashame of what you say, why say it? You know who you are and you bring miserable to my life. I have been warning you, but you did not get what I say so i have to be harsh here.

My personal life, secrets should be reviewed by myself and nobody else on my cbox or in real life. Please respect my life.

If you cannot apply all these rules when you are visiting my blog, please do not revisit again. I will close it down if something happens again.

I mind my own business and you mind your own. Thank you.

Wednesday, 26 September 2007

My Ski Trip!!!

I am so looking foward to camp this weekend! Then we are heading to the ski field on Sunday and Monday!

Then, guess what.... O.o



Mt Ruapehu erupted last night at 8.20pm. The Whakapapa and Turoa skifields, SH 47 and SH 48 are closed.

So loooong my ski trip. What should I do? Sigh.....

Monday, 24 September 2007

Long Leg Mosquito is BACK!!!

My dear cousin is back.... o.O more noise and less peace in the house...

She said my dad teach her something and I was laughing after I listen to it. So cute!! Why my dad did not teach me something as cute as this when I was younger? >.<"

This is what she said,



Attached a photo of her with her frog (well, actually julie's frog) :p

Friday, 21 September 2007

Something about Men

A view I got after I see some guys.....I need views from both ladies and gentlemen on this.... be free to add your comment...

I have a boyfriend. He is always on the move to fool me and make me scream around. He will do something to annoy me and make me so angry that I will shout at him. Then when he realized that he have did something that make me really pissed off, it was always too late. I am already really pissed off by then. Usually the thing that make me really pissed off will be of that girl is really pretty and what shall i do without him. For men out there who do not realized, those are the things that create the insecurity for girls!! By then, my boyfriend will have to use double the time to make me ok and not angry at him. No matter what, I think we ladies deserve the pampered after we got our hormons up and down after being so mad. My boyfriend will always say it is fun and he is playing with me and I look cute that way to make a fool out of me O.o

Last night, my little sister and I were watching this 2002 Taiwan series. It is quite a good movie other than it really pull on my nerves when the guy not just did the same thing as my boyfriend did but just worse. The girl, lets call her XQ, like this guy called ZS. It was a one-sided love at first with no response from the ZS guy. This ZS guy was one of the favourite guy at school where everyone will go crazy for him. He was a upper class guy but she was a lower class girl. What we always categorized as different status. A bit like F4 during those years. But slowly, this guy fall for this girl and he fancy the way this girl will do anything for the guy. Then this guy sort of like possessed this girl and somehow cannot live without her. ZS have the right to get angry when XQ have another guy friend, while when ZS have bees of girls around him, ZS will use that as a "weapon, like what my bf does, to make XQ hurt.

I told my bf then story and eventually, the guy is not bullying the girl on purpose but just joking and fooling around with the girl as finding the girl cute he is doing that.

Sigh.... Man, dun you know you guys make us insecurity and sad when you are having fun? Do you know how much fear we are in? Do you know how sad we are over it? Please remember, we girls have more emotion than rational....

Tuesday, 18 September 2007

~`I am feeling emotional`~

I am feeling so emotional today. See my two previous blog. I do not know why but just feeling emotional.
I almost cry to a story and ya.....
I call up my bf just to say I miss him....
I feel emotional wanting someone to hug me....
I was thinking of Mavis....
Blame it on the taiwan series I am watching now.... :p


呼机第三次震动:“去了你家,看到你留下的字条,请火速回家。”女孩的心又开始躁动。呼机第四震动:“我听到广播,知道你那里发生了什么,相信你此时正拿着呼机读我的话,我们很快会见面的。”似乎有一缕曙光在女孩的眼前闪过。女孩期待呼机第五次的震动 ,此时的呼机成了他生命唯一的寄托。
时间一分一秒的过去了,呼机象一个疲惫的孩子一样睡着了。终于第五次的震动来了:“我去找你,车不通,想尽各种办法,还是无功而返。我相信你不会出问题的,你是一个聪明又好运的女孩。我等待你的归来!”第六次,第七次。。。。女孩在男孩一次又一次的传呼 中度过了一个又一个恐惧与绝望的时刻,不知不觉已经两天两夜了。
……男孩一次又一次的向女孩传呼,一次又一次的给女孩 注入生命的活力;一次又一次的把女孩的生存信念从崩溃的边缘拉回来……


有一個年輕人喜歡上了在便利商店打工的女孩,他每天都會到女孩工作的店裡面買一包香煙, 漸漸的兩人開始互相熟悉,當女孩工作感到無聊乏味的時候, 年輕人就會出現,他會陪女孩說說話 ,或是逗女孩開心.

女孩也知道年輕人似乎喜歡上自己了,可是自己已經有很要好的男友. 有商店夾公仔機...女孩很喜歡裡面的娃娃, 年輕人知道以後,當天他終於對她表白,希望女孩能接受他, 不知如何是好的女孩,只能殘忍的告訴年輕人,她和他是不可能的, 因為她已經有深愛的男友了,年輕人聽了之後默然的點點頭, 他不死心的問女孩,自己真的沒有機會了嗎?

善良的女孩不忍心.... 於是她手指著娃娃機裡面的絨毛娃娃說, 除非你夾滿100個娃娃,而且一天只能夾一個. 原來女孩希望用時間來沖淡年輕人對自己的感情 , 她心想,一天夾1個娃娃, 最快也要三個多月之後才有100個, 而且年輕人應該不會真的有耐心夾滿100個娃娃吧!

這三個月的時間,她會盡量與男孩保持距離, 年輕人還是每天到商店來,可是女孩開始變得冷淡, 他總是試著聊一些女孩有興趣的話題,不過女孩依然愛理不理. 因為她知道唯有這樣做,才不會讓年輕人越陷越深. 年輕人或許是感覺到女孩的用意, 於是他每天夾娃娃,有時運氣好夾一兩次就中了, 有時運氣差,零用錢花光了也夾不到,只好跟朋友借錢繼續夾,一直到夾中為止. 無論花多少錢花多少時間,他每天一定會夾一個娃娃, 只是他無法與女孩分享夾到娃娃的喜悅, 因為他知道女孩有意要避開他, 為了怕引響到女孩的情緒,他只能在櫥窗外頭微笑的對女孩點點頭.

好幾次,看到年輕人因為夾到娃娃興高采烈的樣子, 女孩都想要衝出去對他說, 我是騙你的,你不要再夾了,就算你真的夾到100個娃娃,我跟你也是不可能的! 但是一想到年輕人希望破滅的樣子,女孩就於心不忍,她只能不斷猶豫.

就這樣1 天,2天,3天..,年輕人的娃娃數量不斷的累積,而女孩刻意與年輕人保持距離的結果, 則是讓自己在工作的時後更顯孤單.不知道是哪一天,女孩子因為在外地工作的男友無法回來陪她過18歲的生日, 與男友吵了一架,而那天年輕人仍一如往常的來到便利商店, 不同的是那天年輕人竟走進了店裡,他對女孩說, 可不可以破例讓他在今天夾兩個娃娃回去,可是因為和男友吵架而心情不佳的女孩,很生氣的當場拒絕了他. 就這樣,年輕人走到娃娃機旁,默默的夾了一個娃娃回去, 在年輕人離開的時後,他對櫥窗裡的女孩看了一眼.

隔天以後,年輕人再也沒來夾娃娃了.剛開始女孩雖然覺得奇怪,但是仍然慶幸自己終於放下了心中的大石頭. 可是漸漸的,她突然覺得不習慣, 因為那個每天都會為了她來夾娃娃的熟悉背影, 好像空氣一樣就消失不見了,這時女孩才發現到, 原來她心中的失落感遠遠超過年輕人所帶給她的負擔. 只是一切都...女孩開始想念以前年輕人來店裡陪她聊天的點點滴滴. 哪怕他只是站在櫥窗外頭沉默不語的夾娃娃, 似乎都會帶給她莫名的安全感. 所以女孩每天上班時,總是不斷的抬頭張望, 那個熟悉的身影來了嗎? 可惜的是,年輕人始終沒出現, 只剩下那台沒人使用的娃娃機.

有一天,女孩下班後,在店門口遇到了以前常和年輕人一起來的朋友, 她焦急的問他年輕人的下落,可是年輕人的朋友則是一臉黯然, 他帶女孩來到年輕人的家, 當他開啟年輕人的房間的門時,映入女孩眼簾的是一群娃娃機裡面的絨毛娃娃,以及躺在床上動也不動的年輕人.

原來年輕人的脊椎有病,必須要開刀才能保住生命, 可是開刀有一半的機率會失敗而導致全身癱瘓, 年輕人在開刀的前一天晚上,也就是女孩和男友大吵一架的那天, 希望女孩給他機會夾2個娃娃,因為他已經累積有98個了, 然而卻遭到女孩的回絕,隔天之後年輕人手術不幸失敗變成植物人, 年輕人的母親拿了一封信給女孩,

那是年輕人在手術之前寫好的: 其實我早就知道,就算夾到了100個娃娃, 妳也不可能會喜歡我,我之所以這麼做並不是故意要造成妳的困擾, 而是希望在我有限的時間裡, 證明我曾經很用心的去愛一個人, 這樣就足夠了. 如果妳看到了這封信, 那表示我再也無法為你夾娃娃了,對不起,或許我的努力還不夠吧, 沒能夾到100個娃娃親手送給你............

女孩看著床邊的99個絨毛娃娃,那是99顆無法承受的真心, 眼眶裡的淚水早已決堤而出... 隔天女孩來到年輕人的家, 她將第100個絨毛娃娃放到年輕人的手中, 這時已經變成植物人的他, 眼睛流下了淚水......