In my previous post someone ask me "How far is too far in a relationship?" Refering to Romance and physical intimacy
I was not able to answer.
I read the books "Not without a Hint" and "Boy Meet Girl". I got inspired, love and through prayers, I got the answer!
Now, read it carefully.....
*Dating - Two individual get together without very much to know what they will do for the future, ie not considering marriage.
*Courtship - A process where two indidual get together where they weight the possibilities of marriage at the end of their relationship.
Courtship or dating, the word is not that important. The process and what you do in the relationship is more important.
So how far is too far?
*Consider the things that you do in your relationship. Imagine your relatiosnhip did not work out at the end, are you able to say, I have honour and respect my brother/sister in this relationship? In a relationship, when you are not confirm that you will spend the rest of your life with this particular person, do you think you have the right to enjoy intimacy - romance or physical enjoyment, over him/her? There will be crash and burn when your relationship is over. Ok, say that you did get married and do you think anything you do before marriage is over? No, think twice, you will have to carry the guilt and regrets into your marriage. If you think you will regret what you have done during your courtship, are you sure what you have done is hounouring God? Are you sure you can honour and respect your brother/sister this way?
The bible teaches us to love one another, love our sisters and brothers as we will love ourself.
At the end of your relationship make sure you are able to say these words. "Our conscience testifies that we have conducted ourselves in the world and especially to our relations with you, in the holiness and sincerity that are from God. We have done so not according to worldly wisdom but according to God's grace."
Be sure you have the ability to say that after your relationship and you will be sure that you have honour your sister and God.