Monday, 25 June 2007

Especially for Dear

*Click to view*

Today is the 6 month anniversary. It is through thick and thins, hardship, promises from God, prayer and commitment that pull through it together. It was hard, very hard. But through a lot of prayers and promises from God that confirm this. Thank you to the few brothers and sisters who keep us in prayer always. Your prayers have done a lot and much have change since 3 and half years ago.

To Dear,

Thank you for not giving up when I did.

Thank you for the patience as I know how I am.

Thank you for the comfort when I am weary.

Thank you for the love as God love us first.

Thank you for who you are.

......................I will reserve the rest for the future :p

Brisbane, Here I come!!!

I will be MIA for about 10 days. Off to Aussie tomorrow for 10 days! Wooohoooo!!!!

Sunshine Coast, here I come!! Running away from cold and wet Auckland.

I will be back. Back to my home, Auckland :)

I will miss my work (as if :p)

I will miss Tabyouth (not really coz everyone is away)

I will miss Melissa (coz the only time she is free and I am away -_-")

I will miss my wardrobe (definitely coz limited clothing to Aussie >.<")

I will miss my music (Nope - I have my mp3 mobile - gift from BF mum :p)

I will miss my drama (Nope, I will be much entertain in Aussie)

I will miss my room (yeah, after a couple of days)

I will miss my bro - Lucien (not really, I am just force by him to say so)

I will miss my deng ka bang (yeah i definitely will)

I will miss my "bao bei scot" (yep, no kidding)

I will miss my church (well, for a week, so not that bad)

I will miss my blog ( I will update if I find internet and PC)

I will miss my dear BF (yes, I will and feel like bringing him along)

Man, feel like coming back already -___-"

Be back for BF birthday in July.

Till then, Ciao!!!


I will be going on a 10 days holiday.
I will be on Emirates - the best airline, as they say. I did not book it as it support Team NZ but because it was the cheapest airfare when I book in March.
I am gonna sort of miss the American Cup when I am away, but no sweat and finger cross that Team NZ will pull through.
Get everything done and sorted so I am pretty much in the holiday mood now.
Wonder why am I at work as I am already in holiday mode? LOL
I have some arrangement to make. I have a bluuuurrrrr colleague who will forget things and is not as detailed. What to do, he is a man. We do form a good team though.
Ok, gonna look for some bits and pieces to do.

Monday, 18 June 2007



  1. 同婚前不发生性关系的未婚夫妻相比,婚前就有性行为的未婚男女更有可能在婚前分手。如果年轻女子在这方面不让步,她倒更有希望与男友继续维持恋爱关系;

  2. 尽管时代改变了,然而许多男士仍不愿意娶一位已经与其他人有过性关系的新娘。好男人都会尊敬那些正直诚实的女性。如果有人向你威胁说,若你不和他婚前发生性关系,他就要把你甩了的话,你最好还是先把他甩了吧;

  3. 贞洁的人们有可能获得比失贞的人们更为快乐的婚姻。童贞只能给一个人,也只能给一次——你们肯定希望把它交给那位上帝为你们指定的人儿;

  4. 婚前有性行为的人更有可能在婚后分手或离婚。他们在婚前的性行为越多,就越有可能相互怀疑或猜疑;

  5. 失贞的人们会认为和他人有性行为没有什么关系,因此他们在婚后更有可能犯奸淫;

  6. 失贞的人们更容易上当而和不适和自己的人结婚。性可能使人变得盲目。因此我们需要检查一下自己内心的动机是否的确不是出于性的驱使;

  7. 有婚前性经验的人不太容易对婚后性生活的总体感到满意。你永远不会忘记"第一次"的经历,因而常常会去做比较;

  8. 婚前发生性行为可能会导致糟糕的婚姻。往往是一对未婚男女开始认真考虑他们之间的关系,认为将会与对方结婚,于是便发生关系,后来才发现他们之间并不合适。然而或出于歉疚,或出于责任,他们被迫结婚;

  9. 婚前发生性关系可能会破坏婚后的性生活,原因可能是一方或双方有负罪感、害怕以及自尊的丧失,也可能是由于他们在性生活上轻易不能得到满足,因而寻找错误的方法去增强性能力。


  1. 为度过一个美好的夜晚,女孩应该付出些什么——爱不是一种交易;

  2. 只要不再有进一步的举动,亲吻和爱抚没有什么关系——亲吻和爱抚可能发展成另外的行为;

  3. 有关异性约会的问题到发生时再考虑怎样处理也不迟——现在就做出决定,这样到了时候你才能在表达爱意之前保持清醒头脑;

  4. 基督徒可以与任何其他基督徒约会——基督徒约会基督徒是必须的条件,但并非唯一的先决条件;

  5. 对某人感到强烈的爱意,那就是真爱——感觉是暂时的。真爱包含了承诺,并且必须是双方的承诺;

  6. 一见钟情仍然存在——在大多数情况下一见钟情都不是真实的,它只是肉体的吸引。一个人是看不透别人的心灵和思想的;

  7. 答应对方的要求和他发生关系,他就会更加爱你和欣赏你——你是否希望你的配偶只是基于性的因素欣赏你?

  8. 如果你们彼此相爱并且关系富有意义,那么你们发生性关系就不算错——无论你们之间有多么相爱,即便你们已有婚约,婚前性行为仍然是一种罪。上帝把性作为最宝贵的礼物,只是送给了已婚的夫妻们;

  9. 快乐的婚姻只需要有好的性生活——性可以加强夫妻之间的联合,但它并非是最重要的因素;

  10. 只有"我自己"才会了解和分辨什么是真爱,什么是痴迷——中国有句谚语说:"不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中"。你可能爱吃榴莲,但从未想到过榴莲的气味会影响到你周围的人。


  1. 不要只为现时活着——婚姻是终身大事。

  2. 不要只为好感活着--理智胜于感觉,应当寻求事实。

  3. 不要犯奸淫——上帝恨恶罪恶。贪恋地抚摸他人的身体或亲吻对方,这和发生性关系一样都是罪。

  4. 不要匆忙地确定关系——真爱可以等待。想想还要经过多少年你们才会结婚吧!而这婚姻将一直延续到你们生命的终点。

  5. 不要“随大流”——单身并不是坏事。对于单身的你,上帝有着他的目的。

  6. 不要指望你能改变另一方而结婚——只有上帝才能改变一个人的品性。若你硬要自己去改变对方,那只会以争斗和争论告终。

  7. 不要同居试婚——这样是对你婚姻生活特权的剥夺。

  8. 不要和非基督徒约会——基督徒和非基督徒的人生目标不同。在大多数情形下,往往是非基督徒使基督徒远离上帝,而不是基督徒把非基督徒带到上帝的面前。

  9. 如果你不想结婚,那就不要和对方约会。否则你不但自己不能专心仰望上帝,而且还会影响另一位基督徒的生活。另外,你们还可能关系破裂,那样只会给双方带来伤痛。




  1. 团契

    • 在地方教会的环境中,信徒们之间互相负责任。在这一阶段我们的责任就是激发彼此的信心。

    • 我们之间的关系是普通的主内弟兄姊妹的关系。

  2. 友谊

    • 较一般弟兄间的关系更为亲密,彼此有更多的机会在一起工作和服事上帝,并且卓有成效。

    • 这一阶段是单纯的友谊和工作伙伴关系,之间没有隐秘的动机。

    • 在日常的环境中彼此进行了解,诸如对方对他人的举止/态度,在分派的工场里是否值得信赖,服事上帝是否一贯持久,对教会领袖们修正言行的反应如何。

    • 观察对方如何应对生活中的难处(工作压力、生活危机管理等等)。

    • 能直率地纠正彼此的错误。

    • 能完全地利用包括个人和工作伙伴这两方面的属灵恩赐。

    • 这个阶段里,上帝分别对各人的品性做炼净的工作,但不是作为婚姻的预备,而是为了各人灵命的长进以及更好的事奉。

  3. 求爱

    • 如果不打算结婚,你就不要进入这个阶段!

    • 通过祷告、向教会领袖咨询、对灵命成熟程度和属灵能力的观察,共同寻求上帝的旨意。

    • 祷告——安排一段时期的祷告,以决定是否明确这一特殊的关系。

    • 咨询——蒙上帝祝福的关系不仅仅是两人之间的事,而应成为对众人的祝福。

    • 应向教会领袖负责,这样可使我们不会做出错误决定,引起不必要的尴尬(尤其当发生单恋时),也不致影响弟兄姊妹之间的关系。

    • 向领袖负责意味着在做决定前就征询他们的意见,而不是决定做好后才通知他们。

    • 高尚——把你们的关系完全交托给上帝,得到他的许可后再决定进一步地发展。

    • 正直——维持正当的关系,最大限度地控制和约束自己。

    • 在圣经(无条件)原则方面,双方必须相互认同,彼此欣赏,以一心一意事奉上帝为共同目标。

    • 这个阶段可能需要几年时间,原因在于上帝可能需要对两人进行试验或进一步装备他们。因此双方必须耐心等待上帝的时候来到,尤其当一方仍在学习或尚未成年时更该如此。

    • 这一阶段并非一定要以确定关系和约会告终。

    • 如果两人关系不能理想发展,他们仍可保持弟兄姊妹的关系,不会给对方带来伤痛。

  4. 婚约

    • 在得到上帝的确证以后,未婚夫妻就等于彼此有了结婚的承诺。到这个时侯约会才真正开始。

    • 一旦有了婚约,尽管未婚夫妻的婚姻状况仍是未婚,人们却会把他们看作夫妻。

    • 在这个阶段,性的诱惑越发强烈,因此抵制诱惑、保持圣洁变得更加重要。

    • 双方在灵命上应该继续长进,但不应各自进步,而是应朝着建立家庭、共同事奉的方向发展。

    • 继续向教会领袖负责,尤其是关于内心的思想意念,因为思想意念可能犯淫乱。

    • 彼此之间不要太"粘乎"。重复一遍,蒙上帝祝福的关系不仅仅是对当事人双方的祝福。

  5. 婚姻

    • 持续一生之久的契约关系。

    • 正确而完整的次序应该是:庆祝——在上帝和教会会众面前举行公开婚礼;承诺——按照传统成为丈夫和妻子;完成——享受上帝的礼物——婚姻里的性关系。

    • 次序必须正确而且完整

    • 不要颠倒次序,把性放在首位。只有通过婚约的承诺才能获得性的满足。


  • 观察另一方的属灵生活;

    • 重生的基督徒;

    • 委身基督徒;

    • 在基督的品性和思想方面已经成熟

    • 作为补充和补偿因素的属灵恩赐

  • 拥有从上帝而来的相同的异象;

  • 从上帝、敬虔的婚姻顾问或教会领袖以及双方父母那里得到确证;

  • 社会/精神结合适合性——教育 、年龄和文化;

  • 喜爱和厌恶之物;

  • 习惯;

  • 态度,价值观和习惯应相似;

  • 在情感上两人必须能够合作,在日常生活中他们应能够象朋友那样相互支持、友好相处;

  • 身体结合适合性 - 身材如高矮胖瘦,健康情况,先天才干和禀赋









Thursday, 14 June 2007


I am a week away to Aussie. But I am really deadly busy at work. Why this always happen whenever I am going somewhere? Why can't it be told a little earlier?

Friday, 8 June 2007

It's the Weekend again

Time now is 5.17pm. It's the weekend and obviously my mind is already off work. It is gonna be a cold weekend and I think I sorta have a cold. hmmm...

Gonna share for tomorrow night fellowship. A big challenge as I have no idea the sharing I am about to share, is it a bit tough for the fellowship? Oh well, I will still do it. It is a wise move as I have been spending hours on it! Sense of Belongong.... What can you say on that?

Been blogging through a senior's blog lately. She was one of the top scores and lecturer says he have seen noone like her before. She owns a design fim in KL now but so what, she have no life. Only work, stress, play and sleep. I actually pity her. That is how life can be when you do not have Christ and aim in your life. She may have the money and career and a boyfriend but does she have a life? I am glad I have one. Thanks to my Lord my Savior Jesus Christ, all Glory and Honour and Power to Thy Name.

Ok, hopefully I am going home soon coz I am freezing in this cubicle and everyone around me is actually off and home, its the weekend anyway! And time to fellowship :)

Thursday, 7 June 2007

Louis Vuitton Cup to Team New Zealand

Salutes to Team Emirates New Zealand for wining the Loouis Vuitton Cup! They sweep Luna Rossa at 5-0 to a clean victory win!

They will be meeting Alinghi in 17 days for the American Cup. I will be away in Auusie then, too bad. One good thing is I am flying with Emirates!

All salutes to the Black Sail!

Tuesday, 5 June 2007

To the Students!

Happy Study Break!

Enjoy the time while you can and study SMART to glorify Thy Name.

All the best in the exams plus keeping you guys in my prayers :)

Winter in Auckland

Its so cold, temperature is 7C at night. Day is around 12C to 14C. See the 7C difference? It is still ok but it gets really sad when you go home after work at 5.30pm and its pitch black outside. Means its colder and usually during the 2o++ of june is the coldest day of the winter. They say so but it seems just the same to me from June till August!

Combined Choir is in 2 weeks and am looking foward to it. Hopefully we will sing well and glorify His name. Have this new Taiwanese teacher who is great! Shows us a lot of things as she is a professional choir conductor. Admire the humble attitude that she has.

Its a 4 days working week this week having yesterday as the observe Queen's Birthday on the 4 June. Spend the day at home doing some church stuff and went for a run. Have to take care of the kids due to some reasons. Hope Aunty recover soon or I will have my tummy suffer for 3 months at least!

Team New Zealand is another step closer to win the Louis Vuitton Cup! Go black sail!! Hope they will come out clean on Luna Rossa. They are able to make a 3-0 until today. The next race is 1am tonight NZ time. Keep the fingers cross!

Kids are just CUTE!

TEACHER: Maria, go to the map and find North America.
MARIA: Here it is.
TEACHER: Correct. Now class, who discovered America?
CLASS: Maria.

TEACHER: Why are you late, Frank?

FRANK: Because of the sign.
TEACHER: What sign?
FRANK: The one that says, "School Ahead, Go Slow."

TEACHER: John, why are you doing your math multiplication on the foor?

JOHN: You told me to do it without using tables.

TEACHER: Glenn, how do you spell "crocodile?"

TEACHER: No, that's wrong
GLENN: Maybe it is wrong, but you asked me how I spell it.

TEACHER: Donald, what is the chemical formula for water?

TEACHER: What are you talking about?
DONALD: Yesterday you said it's H to O.

TEACHER: Winnie, name one important thing we have today that we didn't
have ten years ago.

TEACHER: Goss, why do you always get so dirty?

GOSS: Well, I'm a lot closer to the ground than you are.

TEACHER: Millie, give me a sentence starting with "I."

MILLIE: I is........
TEACHER: No, Millie..... Always say, "I am."
MILLIE: All right... "I am the ninth letter of the alphabet."

TEACHER: George Washington not only chopped down his father's cherry
tree, but also admitted it. Now, Louie, do you know why his father didn't punish him?
LOUIS: Because George still had the ax in his hand.

TEACHER: Clyde, your composition on "My Dog" is exactly the same as your brother's. Did you copy his?
CLYDE: No, teacher, it's the same dog.

TEACHER: Harold, what do you call a person who keeps on talking when
people are no longer interested?
HAROLD: A teacher