Monday, 25 June 2007

Today is the 6 month anniversary. It is through thick and thins, hardship, promises from God, prayer and commitment that pull through it together. It was hard, very hard. But through a lot of prayers and promises from God that confirm this. Thank you to the few brothers and sisters who keep us in prayer always. Your prayers have done a lot and much have change since 3 and half years ago.

To Dear,

Thank you for not giving up when I did.

Thank you for the patience as I know how I am.

Thank you for the comfort when I am weary.

Thank you for the love as God love us first.

Thank you for who you are.

......................I will reserve the rest for the future :p

1 comment:

Jesus' Gal said...

I agree about God as the source of Love!
我信神, 能有一個可以托付終生的信仰來活著, 是幸福的.

上帝完全接納我, 愛我, 所以我托付給上帝.

God bless you.